Setting Up and Calculating GPAs

Aspen calculates GPAs by dividing a student's total points by the student's total course weights. Schools within your district can simply run the Grade Point Averages report to calculate GPAs for their students.

Note: The total course weight the system uses in the GPAClosed calculation depends on the value you select at the Course weight type field when you create a GPA definition. It is either the sum of all weight values or the sum of all credit values.

To set up GPAs:

  1. Create user-defined fields for GPA and Rank in the Data Dictionary. See GPA field and Rank field for details.
  2. Create a GPA definition in the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  3. Define the point values for any academic levels that participate in GPA calculations in your schools in the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  4. Define the grade columns to include in the GPA in the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  5. Link courses to a GPA for a school in the School view.
  6. Define any per-student adjustments you need to consider for a GPA for a school in the School view.
  7. Then, you can run GPA results and print the Grade Point Averages report for a school in the School view.

If you are having trouble viewing a student's GPA or rank, you may need to fix missing or incorrect student GPA or rank.