IEP Types

There are five types of IEPs in Aspen. The type is edited by the case manager as the workflowClosed progresses.

The IEPClosed types are:


The first IEP drafted for a student.


An IEP that had been active, and is now up for review. Usually occurs a year after the IEP was implemented.


An IEP that is being re-evaluated to determine if the student has met the goals and is still eligible for services. It usually occurs every three years.


This type may be used for a transfer student's IEP. The student has transferred into your district and is currently on an active IEP. This allows you to enroll the student and bring over the active IEP into Aspen without completing all the required steps in the workflow, such as testing.

Note: This IEP type does not exist in every state.
Amendment Changing (amending) an Active IEP.