Default User Roles R–Z

Refer to the tables below to determine which default user roles you should assign to various members of your district.

Included are roles that begin with the letters R through Z (Registrar through System Administrator). See also Default User Roles A–P.

Following are each of the privileges in the Data Dictionary table:

  • Privilege Users with this role can:
    C - Create Create new records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Add option appears on the Options menu.
    R - Read View information in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if a page is visible.
    U - Update Update existing records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Save button appears on pages.
    D - Delete Delete records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Delete option appears on the Options menu.
    G - Global access Gives user access to an unfiltered list of records for any table in the Aspen database that they have privileges for.
    M - Mass Update

    Update several records on a list. This privilege determines if the Mass Update option appears on the Options menu.

    Other Some roles need to perform tasks that require extra privileges. The Other column displays additional access and privileges users have with the data for some areas. Select a checkbox to give the role access to the specific data or action. Deselect a checkbox to restrict access to the data or action.
    Example: An enrollment manager needs to be able to override enrollment restrictions.


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on for staff
    • Personnel that manage student information
    • District
    • School


    • Manage enrollment information
    • Register, transfer, and withdraw for new and existing students
    • Archive students, graduate seniors, register students, transfer students, withdraw students, and change status/YOG for students
    • View student addresses, phone numbers, and the list of which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update contacts, families and independent contacts
    • Create, delete, and mass update all person files in the system
    • View available email subscriptions/subscription definition
    • Read and update the master schedule
    • Create, read, and delete student schedules and their attributes
    • Create, read, and update student information and set student legal and other alerts
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student events and schools students are associated with
    • Read and delete student course requests
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create direct SQL query
    Security Access - Registrar
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address          


    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Contact    
    Core Family    
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person        
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core Subscription            
    Core Subscription Definition            
    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master          
    Schedule Student Schedule        
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes        
    Student Related Student      
    Student Student      
    • Active students

    • Graduate seniors

    • Register students

    • Transfer students

    • Withdraw students

    • Change status

    • Change YOG for students

    Student Student Alert          
    • Set legal alerts
    • Set other alerts
    Student Student Case  
    Student Student Case Child  
    Student Student Case Person  
    Student Student Contact    
    Student Student Enrollment          
    Student Student Event Tracking    
    Student Student School Association    
    Student Student School Choice  

    Schedule Builder

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Staff members that help create the master schedule for the school
    • District
    • Build


    • View student addresses and phone numbers and the list of which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create, update, delete, and mass update reference codes
    • Override grade level on the student transcript
    • View programs of study, graduation summary, and graduation progress information
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update all aspects of the schedule and student course requests
    • Allow course maximum override
    • View schools to which students are associated
    Security Access - Schedule Builder
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address          


    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    District Reference Code - Common      
    District Reference Table      
    Grades Student Transcript            
    • Override grade level

    Graduation Graduation Student Program            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Academic Track  
    Schedule Course          
    Schedule Room Schedule Attributes    
    Schedule Schedule  
    • Groups scheduling access

    Schedule Schedule Bell    
    Schedule Schedule Day    
    Schedule Schedule Feedback    
    Schedule Schedule Master  
    • Rebuild section in School view

    Schedule Schedule Pattern    
    Schedule Schedule Period    
    Schedule Schedule Preference Definition    
    Schedule Schedule Rotation    
    Schedule Schedule Rule    
    Schedule Schedule Rule Definition    
    Schedule Schedule Term    
    Schedule SchoolCourse  
    • Allow clone school course

    Schedule School Schedule Course Attributes    
    Schedule Student Schedule    
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes    
    School School Classroom    
    School School Schedule Context          


    Staff Staff            
    Student Staff Schedule Attributes    
    Student Student            
    Student Student Course Request  
    • Allow course maximum override
    Student Student School Association            

    School Administrator

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone

    Similar to System Administrator, but for individual school.

    • Staff members that manage Aspen for a school

    Not for building administrators

    • School


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update:
    • grading
    • conduct
    • scheduling
    • health
    • enrollment
    • student accommodations and disabilities
    • staff information
    • student information
    • Create, update, delete, and mass update notices on the portal and mass update URL links for use in widgets
    • View learning standards
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit home page layout
    • Mass update system preferences
    • Create, read, update, delete, mass update data foreign field mapping
    • Create, update, delete, and mass update fees
    • Manage all school-owned resources
    • Update system configuration
    • Delete and mass update preferences in the system and the default value for the preference
    Security Access - School Administrator
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard    
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score    
    Assessment Rubric Assessment    
    Assessment Rubric Definition    
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard  
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard  
    • Manage district standards

    Core Address  


    Core At Risk Definition    
    Core At Risk Result  
    Core Comment Bank Table      
    Core Contact    
    Core Documents    
    Core Email log            
    Core Family    
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person        
    Core Portal Link            
    Core Portal Notice      
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference          
    • Edit home page layout

    District Data Foreign Field Mapping    
    District Data Transaction      
    Extracurricular Extracurricular School Program            
    • Extracurricular Access

    • Global Manager

    Grades Assignment    
    Grades Assignment Submission            
    Grades GPA Definition    
    Grades Grade Average Calculation  
    Grades Grade Scale    
    Grades Gradebook Access Grant    
    Grades Gradebook Remark    
    Grades Gradebook Score    
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart    
    Grades Gradebook Student Information    
    Grades Qualification List    
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment    
    Grades Student Grade Point    
    Grades Student Transcript  
    • Override grade level

    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Health Health Condition    
    Health Health Immunization Definition    
    Health Health Immunization Dose    
    Health Health Immunization Series    
    Health Health Job    
    Health Health Log  
    • Health log administrative override

    Health Health Medication Order    
    Health Health Screening  
    • Administer all screenings

    • Administer screenings details

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    • Family portal administer access
    • Gradebook administrator access
    • Handheld device (PDA access
    Schedule Academic Track    
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Recommendation Controls      
    Schedule Schedule    
    Schedule Schedule Bell    
    Schedule Schedule Day    
    Schedule Schedule Feedback    
    Schedule Schedule Master    
    Schedule Schedule Period    
    Schedule Schedule Preference Definition            
    Schedule Schedule Rotation    
    Schedule Schedule Rule    
    Schedule Schedule Rule Definition    
    Schedule Schedule Term    
    Schedule Schedule Course  
    • Allow clone school course

    Schedule Student Schedule    
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes          
    School Assessment Definition      
    School School    
    • Manage school owned resources

    • Manage school owned announcements

    School School Building Assignment            
    School School Calendar      
    School School Classroom    
    School School Locker    
    School School Schedule Context    
    Special Education IEP Data          
    • Access previous IEP records in Staff view

    Special Education Student Accomodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff PD Improvement Goal    
    Staff Staff    
    Staff Staff Accrual    
    Staff Staff Attendance    
    Staff Staff Attendance Sub  
    Staff Staff Certification    
    Staff Staff Leave    
    Staff Staff Post Attendance    
    Staff Staff Schedule Attributes            
    Staff Staff School Association    
    Student Student    
    • Archive students

    • Graduate seniors

    • Register students

    • Transfer students

    • Withdraw students

    • Change status

    • Change YOG for students


    Student Student Alert  
    • Set legal alerts
    • Set medical alerts
    • Set other alerts
    Student Student Assessment    
    Student Student Attendance    
    Student Student Class Attendance    
    Student Student Conduct Action Date    
    Student Student Conduct Incident    
    Student Student Contact    
    Student Student Course Request  
    • Allow course maximum override

    Student Student Ed. Plan  
    Student Student Enrollment    
    Student Student Journal    
    Student Student Program Participation    
    Student Student School Association            
    System System Configuration            
    System System Preference Key Definition          

    School Cashier

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Person who enters fees, fines, and payment information and receives money
    • School


    • Create, read, update, and mass update fees and payments
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update payment items
    Security Access - School Cashier
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Cashiers Entry    
    Core Fee Item    
    Core Payment Item  
    District Reference Code - Common        
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    School School            
    • Manage school owned resources

    • Manage school owned announcements

    Staff Staff            
    Student Student            
    Student Student School Association          


    School Cashier (read-only)

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Secretary who needs to see payment information but does not receive money
    • School


    • Read access to fees, payments, and payment items
    Security Access - School Cashier (read-only)
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Cashiers Entry            
    Core Fee Item            
    Core Payment Item            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Staff Staff Evaluation            
    Student Student            

    Social and Emotional Support (SES) Module Administrator

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on with other roles

    • Person who manages the Social and Emotional Support add-on feature

    • School

    • SES is an Aspen add-on feature.

    • Create, read, update, and delete student check-in appointments.

    • Read, update, and delete case meeting notes.

    • Create, read, update, and delete student referral information.

    Security Access - Social and Emotional Support (SES) Module Administrator
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other


    Grade Term Definition            










    Schedule Bell            


    Schedule Day








    Schedule Term            


    School Course








    School Course Schedule Attributes            


    Student Schedule








    Student Schedule Attributes            










    Staff Schedule Attributes            


    Social Emotional Check-In





    Social Emotional Meeting        


    Social Emotional Referral







    Student Attendance









    Social and Emotional Support (SES) Check-In Kiosk

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone

    • A stand-alone site where students check in for services using the Social Emotional Check-in widget

    • Student

    • SES is an Aspen add-on feature.

    • Create and read student check-in and referral records

    Security Access - Social and Emotional Support (SES) Check-In Kiosk
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other


    • Allow XSS bypass


    Social Emotional Check-In







    Social Emotional Referral          









    Special Education Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone
    • Staff that manage district’s special education information

    Not intended for Student Case Managers, since they have Special Education User role.

    • Special Education


    • Manage the district’s goal banks, accommodations, disabilities, and educational plans
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create, update, and delete templates
    • View the IEP access log
    • Create and read IEP data
    • Manage and directly add progress reports
    • View all special education students
    • IEP administrative override
    • Read and update staff information
    • Create, update, and delete fields, tables, and reference codes in the Data Dictionary
    Security Access - Special Education Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Core View Template        
    District Data Fig Config Attribute        
    District Data Table Config Attribute        
    District Reference Code - Common        
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Special Education IEP Access Log            
    Special Education IEP Data        
    • Manage Progress Reports

    • Directly add progress reports

    • Mange district goal bank

    • View all special education students

    • Allow user edit of locked IEP

    • IEP administrative override

    • Option - Amend IEP

    • Option - Assign Next Case Manager

    • Option - enrol in Special Ed.

    • Option - Prepare progress report

    • Option - Renew IEP

    • Override lock on IEP records

    Special Education Student Accommodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff Staff          
    Student Student Ed. Plan    

    Special Education Manager - School

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone
    • Staff that manage district’s special education information

    Not intended for Student Case Managers, since they have Special Education User role.

    • Special Education


    • Manage the district’s goal banks, accommodations, disabilities, and educational plans
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create, update, and delete templates
    • View the IEP access log
    • Create and read IEP data
    • Manage and directly add progress reports
    • View all special education students
    • IEP administrative override
    • Read and update staff information
    • Create, update, and delete fields, tables, and reference codes in the Data Dictionary

    Security Access - Special Education Manager - School

    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Core View Template        
    District Data Field Config Attribute        
    District Data Table Config Attribute        
    District Reference Code - Common        
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Special Education IEP Access Log            
    Special Education IEP Data        
    • Manage Progress Reports

    • Directly add progress reports

    • Mange district goal bank

    • View all special education students

    • Allow user edit of locked IEP

    • IEP administrative override

    • Option - Amend IEP

    • Option - Assign Next Case Manager

    • Option - enrol in Special Ed.

    • Option - Prepare progress report

    • Option - Renew IEP

    • Override lock on IEP records

    Special Education Student Accommodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff Staff          
    Student Student Ed Plan    

    Special Education User

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone
    • Staff that manage district’s special education information
    • Special Education


    • Manage IEPs and all related special education records
    • Access to all student information necessary to monitor student progress toward meeting goals
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student addresses, phone numbers, contacts, families, independent contacts, and documents
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update IEP data, student accommodations, and disabilities
    • View all special education students
    • Directly add progress reports
    • Create person records
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View grading information, such as assignments, scores, grade terms
    • View student credit adjustments, transcripts, and the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • View school locker information
    • View staff information
    • View information about the schedule, including courses, master schedule, and student schedules
    Security Access - Special Education User
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Core Address    
    Core Contact    
    Core Documents    
    Core Family    
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Assignment            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment    
    Grades Student Transcript          
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule SchoolCourse            
    Schedule Student Schedule    
    School School Locker            
    Special Education IEP Access Log          
    Special Education IEP Data  
    • Directly add progress reports

    • View all special education students

    • Option - Amend IEP

    • Option - Assign Next Case Manager

    • Option - Enrol in Special Ed.

    • Option - Prepare progress report

    • Option - Renew IEP

    Special Education Student Accommodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff Staff            
    Student Student      
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment    
    Student Student Class Attendance    
    Student Student Conduct Action Date    
    Student Student Conduct Incident    
    Student Student Course Request    
    Student Student Ed. Plan    
    Student Student Enrollment  
    • Directly add enrollment records

    • Override enrollment restrictions

    Student Student Journal    

    Special Education User - School

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone
    • Staff that manage district’s special education information
    • Special Education


    • Manage IEPs and all related special education records
    • Access to all student information necessary to monitor student progress toward meeting goals
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student addresses, phone numbers, contacts, families, independent contacts, and documents
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update IEP data, student accommodations, and disabilities
    • View all special education students
    • Directly add progress reports
    • Create person records
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View grading information, such as assignments, scores, grade terms
    • View student credit adjustments, transcripts, and the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • View school locker information
    • View staff information
    • View information about the schedule, including courses, master schedule, and student schedules
    Security Access - Special Education User - School
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Core Address    
    Core Contact    
    Core Documents    
    Core Family    
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Assignment            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Grades Qualification List            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment    
    Grades Student Transcript          
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule SchoolCourse            
    Schedule Student Schedule    
    School School Locker            
    Special Education IEP Data  
    • Directly add progress reports

    • View all special education students

    • Option - Amend IEP

    • Option - Assign Next Case Manager

    • Option - Enrol in Special Ed.

    • Option - Prepare progress report

    • Option - Renew IEP

    Special Education Student Accommodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff Extracurricular Activity            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Student      
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment    
    Student Student Class Attendance    
    Student Student Conduct Action Date    
    Student Student Conduct Incident    
    Student Student Course Request    
    Student Student Ed. Plan    
    Student Student Enrollment  
    • Directly add enrollment records

    • Override enrollment restrictions

    Student Student Journal    


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on for staff needing My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • Base role for many other roles
    • Other roles are added to it to give users privileges necessary for their position
    • Staff needing access to Staff view’s My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • Staff


    • Access to Staff view’s My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • View student addresses, phone numbers, and which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, update, and delete portal notices
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View scores and grade term definitions
    • View information about schedules, such as bell schedules, days, periods, terms, classrooms
    • View students’ schedules
    • Read and update professional development activity information
    • View information about PD activity approval status, sections, verification status, improvement goals
    • Create, read, update, and delete PD activity requests, courses, and plans
    • View staff information, including attendance and schools they are associated with
    • View the history of attendance they have posted
    • Administer all groups
    • Set course alignments in Staff view
    Security Access - Staff
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry  
    Assessment Exam Entry Control            
    Assessment Exam Result            
    Assessment Exam Season            
    Assessment Exam Series            
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Core Address            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Portal Notice        
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    School School Classroom            
    Staff PD Activity          
    Staff PD Activity Approval            
    Staff PD Activity Request      
    Staff PD Activity Section            
    Staff PD Activity Verification            
    Staff PD Course      
    Staff PD Improvement Goal            
    Staff PD Plan      
    Staff Staff            
    Staff Attendance            
    Staff Attendance Sub            
    Staff Staff Post Attendance            
    Staff Staff SchoolAttributes            

    Staff - SACL

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on for staff needing My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • Base role for many other roles
    • Other roles are added to it to give users privileges necessary for their position
    • Staff needing access to Staff view’s My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • Staff


    • Access to Staff view’s My Info and Professional Development tabs
    • View student addresses, phone numbers, and which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, update, and delete portal notices
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View scores and grade term definitions
    • View information about schedules, such as bell schedules, days, periods, terms, classrooms
    • View students’ schedules
    • Read and update professional development activity information
    • View information about PD activity approval status, sections, verification status, improvement goals
    • Create, read, update, and delete PD activity requests, courses, and plans
    • View staff information, including attendance and schools they are associated with
    • View the history of attendance they have posted
    • Administer all groups
    • Set course alignments in Staff view
    Security Access - Staff - SACL
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry      
    Assessment Exam Entry Control            
    Assessment Exam Result            
    Assessment Exam Season            
    Assessment Exam Series            
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Assessment Rubric Assessment            
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard            
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard            
    Core Address  
    Core Contact  
    Core Documents  
    Core Family  
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person      
    Core Portal Notice    
    Core Portal Notice Visibility            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Core Workflow            
    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure            
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance  
    Curriculum Curriculum Map  
    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative  
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    Grades Assignment  
    Grades Assignment Submission  
    Grades Grade Post Control            
    Grades Grade Scale  
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Access Grant      
    Grades Gradebook Score  
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart  
    Grades Gradebook Student Information            
    Grades Student Grade Point            
    Grades Student Transcript            
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Schedule Class Size Definition            
    Schedule Course
    • Modify course description

    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Commit Control            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Feedback            
    Schedule Schedule Master  
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Rotation            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course
    • Allow clone school course

    Schedule Student Schedule  
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes            
    School School Classroom            
    School Locker            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Security Security Role    
    Security User    
    • Submit support tickets

    Special Education IEP Data            
    Staff Extracurricular Activity            
    Staff PD Activity          
    Staff PD Activity Approval            
    Staff PD Activity Request      
    Staff PD Activity Section            
    Staff PD Activity Verification            
    Staff PD Course      
    Staff PD Improvement Goal            
    Staff PD Plan      
    Staff Staff            
    Staff Staff Accrual            
    Staff Attendance            
    Staff Attendance Sub            
    Staff Staff Certification            
    Staff Staff Course Work            
    Staff Staff Degree            
    Staff Staff Leave            
    Staff Staff Position            
    Staff Staff Post Attendance  
    Staff Staff Schedule Attributes            
    Staff Staff School Association            
    Student Student  
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Class Attendance  
    Student Student Contact  
    Student Student Course Request            
    Student Student Ed. Plan  
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Event Tracking  
    Student Student Journal  
    Student Student School Association            


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Main
    • Students
    • Student


    • Track information about themselves in Aspen, including alerts, assessments, attendance, conduct, contacts, enrollment, and schools to which they are associated
    • View learning standards and the assignments they are aligned to
    • View their addresses, phone numbers, contacts, independent contacts, and the list of which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, read, update, and delete email subscriptions
    • Submit homework via portal
    • View information about their grades, such as assignments, GPA, grade point summary, grading scale, grade term definition, gradebook remarks, scores, credit adjustments, and transcript
    • Create a graduation program
    • View schedule information, including academic track, master schedule, periods, terms, courses, course schedule attributes, schedule rules, and classrooms
    • View staff information
    • Create, read, update, and delete course requests
    Security Access - Student
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry            
    Assessment Exam Result            
    Assessment Exam Season            
    Assessment Exam Series            
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard            
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard            
    Core Address            
    Core Contact            
    Core Grid Code          


    Core Subscription    


    Core Subscription Definition            
    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Curriculum Curriculum Instance            
    Curriculum Curriculum Map            
    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative            
    Curriculum Lesson Plan            
    Grades Assignment            
    Grades Assignment Submission      
    Grades GPA Definition            
    Grades Grade Scale            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Remark            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment            
    Grades Student Grade Point            
    Grades Gradebook Student Information            
    Grades Student Transcript            
    Graduation Graduation Student Program            
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Academic Track            
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Rule            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule School Course Schedule Attributes            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    School School Classroom            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student          


    Student Student Alert          


    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Class Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Course Request      
    Student Student Enrollment          


    Student Student School Association            

    Student Attendance Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Office personnel that are part of school’s attendance process
    • Non-office staff involved in school’s attendance process
    • School


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student attendance
    • View student addresses, phone numbers, alerts, educational plans, accommodations, and disabilities and which addresses go to which schools
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View information about the schedule, including the master schedule, days, periods, terms, and student schedules
    • View IEP data, student accommodations, and disabilities
    • View staff information
    • Create, read, and update the history of attendance records staff have posted
    • Create student event records
    Security Access - Student Attendance Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address            
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes            
    Special Education IEP Data            
    Special Education Student Accommodation            
    Special Education Student Disability            
    Staff Staff            
    Staff Staff Post Attendance        
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Attendance    
    Student Student Class Attendance    
    Student Student Ed. Plan            
    Student Student Event Tracking          


    System Administrator

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone
    • Aspen system administrators
    • District
    • School
    • Staff
    • Health
    • Build
    • Elementary
    • Special Education
    • Special Education School
    • Student
    • Personnel
    • Family


    • All access
    Security Access - System Administrator
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry  
    Assessment Exam Entry Control  
    Assessment Exam Result
    • Override blackout date-range

    Assessment Exam Season  
    Assessment Exam Series  
    Assessment Exam Timetable  
    Assessment Learning Standard
    • Set course alignments in Staff view

    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment  
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score  
    Assessment Rubric Assessment  
    Assessment Rubric Definition  
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard    
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard
    • Manage district standards

    Core Access Log        
    Core Address  
    Core Analytic Definition    
    Core Analytic Result    
    Core At Risk Definition    
    Core At Risk Result  
    Core Cashiers Entry  
    Core Comment Bank Table  
    Core Contact


    Core Data Event Queue          
    Core Data Publish Image  
    Core Data Table Lock          
    Core Documents  
    Core Email Log  
    Core Export Format Definition  
    Core Family  
    Core Fee Item  
    Core Field Set        
    • Remove list edit restrictions on template

    • Override excluded fields preference

    Core Filter            
    Core Folder/File            
    Core Form Defintion            
    Core Form Instance            
    Core Generic Form Data          
    Core Grid Code  
    Core Group        
    • Administer all groups

    • Mass create groups

    • Side tab access

    Core Guid Registry  
    Core JAR Plugin    
    Core Job Entry  
    Core Oauth App Client  
    Core Online Payment        
    Core Payment Item  
    Core Person      
    Core Person Appointment  
    Core Portal Link          
    Core Portal Notice    
    Core Portal Notice Visibility            
    Core Query        
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core Query Operator          
    Core Regular Expression Library    
    Core Report Definition    
    Core Report Delivery Job    
    Core Report Wizard          
    Core Selection            
    Core SIF Outbox Entry  
    Core Snapshot          
    Core Sort Order          
    Core Subscription  
    Core Subscription Definition  
    Core System Preference        
    • Edit home page layout

    Core Tool Navigation    
    Core Tool School Visibility    
    Core Tool School Code    
    Core User Query  
    Core View Template    
    Core Widget Definition    
    Core Workflow          
    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure  
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance  
    Curriculum Curriculum Map
    • Delete root map

    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative  
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    District Calculated Field    
    District Data Audit        
    • Access change history

    District Data Field Config Attribute    
    District Data Foreign Field Mapping  
    District Data Relation District Attribute    
    District Data Table Config Attribute    
    District Data Transaction    
    District District Calendar    
    District Import/Export Definition    
    District Procedure Definition    
    District Reference Code - Common    
    District Reference Table    
    District School Year Context    
    District Staff Calendar      
    District Validated Field Procedure  
    Extracurricular Extracurricular Program    
    Extracurricular Extracurricular School Program  
    • Extracurricular Access

    • Global Manager

    • Override Roster Lock

    Grades Assignment  
    Grades Assignment Submission  
    Grades GPA Definition  
    Grades Grade Average Calculation  
    Grades Grade Post Control  
    Grades Grade Scale  
    Grades Grade Term Definition  
    Grades Grade Trend  
    Grades Grade Access Grant  
    Grades Gradebook Preference            
    Grades Gradebook Remark  
    Grades Gradebook Score  
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart  
    Grades Gradebook Student Information  
    Grades Qualification List  
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment  
    Grades Student Grade Point  
    Grades Student Transcript
    • Override grade level

    Grades Target Grade  
    Grades Transcript Definition  
    Graduation Graduation Program  
    Graduation Graduation Student Program  
    Health Health Condition  
    Health Health Immunization Definition  
    Health Health Immunization Dose
    • Allow no date doses

    • Allow skipped doses

    • Allow waived doses

    Health Health Immunization Series  
    Health Health Job  
    Health Health Log
    • Health log administrative override

    Health Health Medication Order  
    Health Health Screening
    • Administer all screenings

    • Administer screenings details

    Notifications Notification    
    Notifications User Device        
    Organization Organization  
    • Allow XSS bypass

    • Clear and reinitialize object cache

    • Reload data dictionary

    • Manage District owned resources

    • Manage District owned announcements

    • Restore data

    • Manage home page

    • Family portal administor access

    • Gradebook administrator access

    • Global organization access

    • Handheld device (PDA) access

    • Student portal administrator access

    Organization Organization AASP  
    Organization Organization Attributes  
    Schedule Academic Track  
    Schedule Class Size Definition  
    Schedule Course
    • Modify course description

    Schedule Recommendation Controls  
    Schedule Room Schedule Attributes    
    Schedule Schedule
    • Group scheduling access

    Schedule Schedule Bell  
    Schedule Schedule Commit Control  
    Schedule Schedule Day  
    Schedule Schedule Feedback  
    Schedule Schedule Master
    • Rebuild section in School view

    • Override minutes validation

    Schedule Schedule Pattern  
    Schedule Schedule Period  
    Schedule Schedule Preference Definition  
    Schedule Schedule Rotation  
    Schedule Schedule Rule  
    Schedule Schedule Rule Definition  
    Schedule Schedule Term  
    Schedule School Course
    • Allow clone school course

    Schedule School Course Schedule Attributes  
    Schedule Student Schedule  
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes  
    School Assessment Definition    
    School School  
    • Manage school owned resources

    • Mange school owned announcements

    • Override school year context

    • Global school access

    • Organization school access

    School School Building Assignment  
    School School Calendar    
    School School Capacity  
    School School Classroom  
    School School Locker  
    School School Schedule Context  
    School Student Lunch  
    School Transportation Resource  
    Security Security Privilege    
    Security Security Role    
    Security User    
    • Submit support tickets

    Security User Access Log        
    Special Education IEP Access Log    
    Special Education IEP Data
    • Manage Progress Reports

    • Directly add progress reports

    • Mange district goal bank

    • View all special education students

    • Allow user edit of locked IEP

    • IEP administrative override

    • Access previous IEP records in Staff view

    • Option - Amend IEP

    • Option - Assign Next Case Manager

    • Option - Enrol in Special Ed.

    • Option - Prepare progress report

    • Option - Renew IEP

    • Override lock on IEP records

    Special Education Student Accommodation  
    Special Education Student Disability  
    Staff Extracurricular Activity  
    Staff PD Activity  
    Staff PD Activity Approval  
    Staff PD Activity Request  
    Staff PD Activity Section  
    Staff PD Activity Verification  
    Staff PD Course  
    Staff PD Improvement Goal  
    Staff PD Plan  
    Staff Staff  
    Staff Staff Accrual  
    Staff Staff Attendance  
    Staff Staff Attendance Sub  
    Staff Staff Certification  
    Staff Staff Course Work  
    Staff Staff Degree  
    Staff Staff Evaluation  
    Staff Staff Leave  
    Staff Staff Position  
    Staff Staff Post Attendance  
    Staff Staff Schedule Attributes  
    Staff Staff School Association  
    Student Life Center Check-in  
    Student Life Center Meeting    
    Student Life Center Referral  
    Student Related Student  
    Student Student
    • Archive students

    • Graduate seniors

    • Register students

    • Transfer students

    • Withdraw students

    • Change status

    • Change YOG for students

    • Student address grid code override

    Student Student Alert
    • Set legal alerts

    • Set medical alerts

    • Set other alerts

    Student Student Assessment  
    Student Student Attendance
    • Edit privilege level 5

    • Edit privilege level 4

    • Edit privilege level 3

    • Edit privilege level 2

    • Edit privilege level 1

    • Override Cycle Locking

    Student Student Case  
    Student Student Case Child  
    Student Student Case Person  
    Student Student Class Attendance
    • Edit privilege level 5

    • Edit privilege level 4

    • Edit privilege level 3

    • Edit privilege level 2

    • Edit privilege level 1

    Student Student Conduct Action Date  
    Student Student Conduct Incident
    • Override conduct restrictions

    Student Student Contact  
    Student Student Course Request
    • Allow course maximum override

    Student Student Ed. Plan  
    Student Student Enrollment
    • Directly add enrollment records

    • Override enrollment restrictions

    Student Student Event Tracking  
    Student Student Journal  
    Student Student Program Participation  
    Student Student School Association  
    Student Student School Choice  
    Student Student Transportation  
    Student Student Wait List  
    System System Configuration    
    System System Field    
    System System Index    
    System System Preference Key Definition        
    System System Relationship    
    System System Table