Set eligibility criteria for an extracurricular program

After you create an extracurricular program, you can set any rules, or eligibility criteria, for the students who join.

Example: You want to ensure that only juniors and seniors with recent physical exams on file play Varsity soccer.
Note: You must have the appropriate user role privileges to set eligibility criteria.

To set eligibility criteria for an extracurricular program:

  1. Log on to the District (Root Organization) view.
  2. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs.
  3. Select the program, and then under Extracurricular Programs, click Criteria.
  4. Select Options > Add. The Extracurricular Programs criteria page appears.
  1. Use this table to enter information into the fields:
  2. Field Description


    Enter a name for the criteria.


    Select a category from the drop-down.


    Enter a description of the criteria. School users can see this message on the Eligibility Status report.

    Example: "To participate in Robotics, a student must be in the 10th through 12th grade and have a GPA of at least 3.5."


    Click Define to see a pop-up. Fill in the following fields to set the eligibility criteria.

    Note: The following steps describe a simple mode query. You can run an advanced mode query or a direct SQL mode query by selecting them from the drop-down at the top-right corner of the pop-up.

    - Tables

    The Student system table appears. Click the drop-down to select a different table.

    - Fields

    Select the fields associated with the selected table that you want Aspen to validate.

    Example: If you are searching for students with a YOG of 2021, select Year of graduation at Fields, Equals as the Operator and 2021 at Value.

    - Operator

    Select an operator.

    - Value

    Enter the value you want to validate.

  1. Click OK.

When you run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure, Aspen checks the enrolled students against this criteria.

Next, associate the extracurricular program with schools.